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Purchase Order address

Last post 09-19-2013 9:23 AM by Anonymous. 6 replies.
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  • 07-05-2013 11:44 AM

    Purchase Order address

    Whenever I create a new PO the address for my company doesnt autofill correctly.  Line 1 should have the Company Name and then line 2 should have the street address line.  However, the company name doesnt carry over at all and the street address line is added to Line 1.  I looked in Quickbooks and when i create a new PO there the company name and address autofills correctly.  So I've done something in Method thats not allowing this to work correctly.  Please advise.  Thanks

  • 07-05-2013 5:01 PM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address


    Hi DavidD,

    We have been looking into the issue you mentioned in this post in regards to the Purchase Order Address Line.  I was able to replicate this issue on my end, and have put in a ticket to have this investigated further from our development team to look for a fix. At this point I can’t give you an exact time frame for a solution.  However, you should be able to customize this screen, and you should be able to change the on screen load actions to add in the Company Name from the Company table.


  • 07-11-2013 7:40 AM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address

    Hey Ben,

    Any update on this issue?  I havent done much work with changing load actions, so I'm not sure how to fix this on my side.

  • 07-15-2013 8:56 AM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address


    Hey Ben,

    Any update on this issue?  I havent done much work with changing load actions, so I'm not sure how to fix this on my side.

    Hi DavidD,

    I apologize for the wait on this issue. I will be looking into this this morning to see where we are on the ticket.  I will do what I can to get you a quick response.

    Thanks for your Patience,


  • 09-18-2013 12:29 PM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address

    I need to revisit this issue.  We had created a work around where we put the company name in a label on the report designer and this works for us most of the time.  However, we now drop ship some of our Purchase Orders and ship directly to our customers, so in this case, having the label with our company name in the "SHIP TO" box is confusing as it shows our company name and then the company name/address of the customer we are shipping to.  Please correct this so that our company name prefills into line 1 of the ship to address screen and our address fills into address line 2.  Thanks!

  • 09-18-2013 4:50 PM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address

    Hi David,

    We actually discussed this issue in a little more depth on the phone when you first posted this thread.  The issue we have is that Method is not able to access the Quickbooks Company "ShipTo" field, if you look at the Company table in Method, this field does not exist.  This is the reason why we do not populate the first row with your Company Name and why you added the label to your Purchase Order Report, through the Method Report Designer.  I do have a good suggestion that does require some customization on the PurchaseOrder Screen, but would not be too difficult to carry out.  I will supply the details below on how to customize this screen to automatically populate the first "Ship-To" row with your Company Name.  With this customization the Drop Ship option would not change, so if selected, the customer CompanyName will still get populated in the first row.

    I was able to easily do this in my own test account, but I need a little time to complete the write up to post here, I will add to this thread tomorrow with details on how you can make this change for your own account.  You would also then be able to remove the Company Name Label you created on your Report.


  • 09-19-2013 9:23 AM In reply to

    Re: Purchase Order address

    Hi David,

    As mentioned in my last post, here is the write-up...I will assume you have created a copy of your Purchase Order Screen and are in the Method Screen Designer (Customize-Screens, edit "PurchaseOrder(2) ).  Go to the "Text Change" Events for the "Vender" field located in the "Add/Edit Purchase Order" section.  I have created a screenshot of to display the stock values:

    For the two Conditional Statements where we are populating the ShipTo Address, we need to shift them each down a row and hardcode your CompanyName into the top field, "ShipAddress1".  I have done this in my account, and made a screenshot to show the end result, pay attention to the new descriptions for each action, and when you edit each of these actions do as my new descriptions suggest:

    If you are using the original 3rd row for your Company Address, then I would suggest you first add the "ShipAddressAddr4" field to the "Bill/Ship To Address" section, below the "ShipAddressAddr3" field.  Then copy the "PopulateAddressAddr3 from CoAddForCustAddr2" action, and do the same, but instead populate the ShipAddressAddr4 with the "CompanyAddressForCustomerAddr3" value, do the same for the 2nd loop.  Side note, remember to remove the custom label you created with your Company Name from the Report Designer because this would not be required anymore.

    Please let us know if this helps, if you are stuck at any point, just give us some details and we can try to assist you through it.  


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