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Portal Error

Last post 01-14-2011 8:30 AM by Method_Paul. 1 replies.
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  • 01-13-2011 9:25 AM

    Portal Error

    I sent this link to all of my users to login to method so they they can update their account and view our schedule.

    We are getting many customers who say they cannot login.  Some solutions have been for people to download google chrome or use firefox or adjust security settings.  This works for some but not all.  One techical guy sent the following.

    "FYI, I had my IT guru work on this.   Here is what he said.  Hope this helps because I don't understand a word of it.

    Part of the error with login.html is mixing HTTP and HTTPS reference (literal vs relative paths) -- a simple PHP redirect(forcing a reload under HTTPS) should correct most of the issues"

    This link has already sent to 200 customers.  I need this resolved ASAP and am willing to pay by the hour if needed.

  • 01-14-2011 8:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Portal Error


    sealteampt -

    We've seen this before.  IE seems to get upset with certain security settings.  It seems to happen when you are posting a form that is in an iframe on but embedded into another site like

    Here's a quick workaround to make sure everyone goes though:

    Change so that is a redirect to:

    You can do this by changing your page to:

    <script language="Javascript"> window.location.href = ""</script>
    You are being redirected to:<br /><a href="">Sealtemp Member Portal</a></body></html>

    Problem with this is you lose your logo.  But it avoids the IE problem.

    NOTE: early next week there is a BIG overhaul of portals coming.  It was supposed to come out yesterday, but we had to hold back.  It's been something we were working on for several months now.  You'll have three options for building the portal header, and one is to use a logo and avoid the iFrame altogether.

    So my short term solution above is truly short term.


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