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Adding new items

Last post 10-15-2013 1:33 PM by Anonymous. 5 replies.
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  • 10-14-2013 5:57 PM

    Adding new items

    We just signed up for the 30-day trial, and trying to add items. Cannot figure how this gets done. I know it's possible because I see the pull down available when doing a new estimate. Is this something not available during the 30-day trial?

  • 10-15-2013 10:47 AM In reply to

    Re: Adding new items

    Hi DCanaris,

    This shouldn't be too difficult to do, please first make sure you are in your Quickbooks Tab Group first.  This can be confirmed from within Method by looking at the top-right corner of your page, to the left of your login name, you will see a dropdown for CRM/Quickbooks/MobileUsers, make sure Quickbooks is chosen.  Now, locate the List Tab, and you will see tablinks for each list you have access to, Items should be your first list tablink.  If you click the Lists tablink, there is a "New..." button which will allow you to follow the wizard and add new items to your items list.  A Method 30 day-trial actually has no limitations, you receive a Method Pro account during this period.  Does this help?  


  • 10-15-2013 11:30 AM In reply to

    Re: Adding new items

    That would explain why I never found it. When I go to the "lists" tab within Quickbooks link, all I get is the hourglass thing. It's been 5 minutes now and nothing. Any ideas what the heck that would mean?



  • 10-15-2013 11:58 AM In reply to

    Re: Adding new items

    Hi Dave,

    I do have a couple of suggestions that should help you get into the List Screen.  First, I would try simply logging out of Method and back in.  If that didn't solve the issue, I would suggest possibly trying to load this screen from any other browser than you are currently using.  If you are still unable to load this screen, you might then try going to Customize->Tables/Fields, locate the "Item" table, edit and then click "Finished Editing Fields", this step regenerates the specified table which could sometimes help.  If you were able to load this from another browser then you should clear the cache from your original browser and try again.  Please let us know if any of these suggestions help solving your issue, also notify us if you are still having issues.


  • 10-15-2013 1:07 PM In reply to

    Re: Adding new items

    Not working still. Cleared out the cache, signed out and signed back in -- nothing.

    You lost me on Customize tab. Not sure where I should be looking for that. Can you explain further. Thought I was fairly good at avoiding "user error", but this is a bit frustrating! If you could further explain the Customize, then Tables/Fields, maybe that will work.



  • 10-15-2013 1:33 PM In reply to

    Re: Adding new items


    I will explain how to regenerate the Item table again to see if this was the issue.  However if this doesn't fix your issue, I would suggest contacting us with Method Support turned on for your acount, this was we can go in and double check some settings.

    Renerate Item table:

    From within Method, go to the Customize Tab, then click the Tables/Fields tab link.  Locate the table labelled "Items", click "edit table" for the item record.  You should now have a pop-up window labelled "Fields for 'Item'", from here simply click the "Finished editing Fields".  By doing what is mentioned here, this should regenarate the item table, then try loading the items screen again from the QuickBooks Tab Group.  

    If this did not resolve your issue, please email us directly at, please also include you the Method Account name you login with, as well as your contact information.  In order to enable the MethodSupport User, you will need to go to Customize Tab, then Users.  From this screen find the user "Method Support", and make sure there is a check for the "Active" column.


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