My screens are giving error messages, items selected are being switched with other items, it's a big mess.
This should be easy:
Can I have a column in the grid that shows the invoice number for the most recent invoice for the customer in that row? I'd like to have it hyperlinked to open the invoice screen for that invoice.
In other words, the actions would be like:
Loop through the Invoice table where the FullName = the row's ...
I have a screen with a pivot report of sales data by customer.
When seeing the report on the screen, results are filtered by the sales reps on the invoice (or shared sales reps). I assume this is just because of user permissions.
However, when exporting the report, all sales reps are included in the results. I'd like the results filtered by ...
What's the easiest way to do this? The dropdown should be populated with 3-letter abbreviations. In future, I'd like to add one by year also.
Do I need to create a table with dropdown values 1-12 and corresponding 3-letter months? Do I then refer the dropdown to that table? Is there an easier way to group dates like in a report ...
Well, overnight, after no PC reboot, the sync engine seems to be working again.
Were there issues yesterday?
Changes are not syncing. Invoices are not coming through to QB The app itself is hanging/crashing.
Have rebooted the PC, no difference.
Well, after a long search, it turns out the only column that was malfunctioning was the SQL column for Contact/Name/Company.
The code was OK, it's just that in the "Filter Fields(s)" section, there was a comma after the last item. I
The values in the field were "ContactsName,Entity,EntityCompanyName,"
I removed the last ...
Usually, when I enter text at the top of a culumn to filter it, if that text is not in any of the rows, the grid shrinks down to 1 row and is blank
But I have a grid (Activities List) that behaves in the following way instead:
If I type, say, "XXXXX" into the Contact/Name/Company column of an existing grid (with 50 rows showing out of ...
OK, everything is ALMOST working according to the script below:
(FullName CONTAINS ‘Main Account') AND (TxnDate >= ‘<StartDate>' AND TxnDate <= ‘<EndDate>') AND (SalesRepRecordID = ‘<SharedListSalesRep>')
I use character functions to replace <StartDate>, <EndDate> and ...
I actually managed to track down the old account login details, so I was able to unsubscribe.
But it would be nice to know if it's possible to do from Method's end.