If a business has many different locations, how do you enter the different locations into Method?
I am already using that exact mail merge command, however I notice that when I pick different contacts it does not pull in the correct first name. I always draws off the main first name on record. How do I draw the name of the contact I am working with. I select the "New activity" from within the contact ...
I want to use a bulk email template that contains the first name of the selected contact, what is the variable name I should use?
Access to allow the ability for a Staff role to change a bulk email template, is this possible?
Currently it will not allow a staff role to change the bulk email template.
Someone please shed some light on how these fields should be utilized. We tend to use the same data in both fields, but we're still not quite clear if that is the proper way to utilize these fields.
That's fine not in a big hurry. I would appreciate more direction on accessing the value via action results.
How do I make it so limited info shows up one a grid column (Contact/Lead/Company) when the Rep logged in does not own the lead?
If the rep that is logged in, it should show everything on the grid column. This is obviously the shared active lead contacts view.
I want to show this if the rep logged in owns the lead
'<b>' + ...
Nevermind, I simply created an action onload to copy the saved fields back into the object.
Works great!
That will take care of saving the data to the database, but how do you show the data when you come back to that record, if the fields that store the data are hidden?
I was able to fix it with your info that you supplied in your reply.