What master table would I use when making print templates for invoices, estiamtes, and credit memos? Also, once they are completed, where would I select these templates so that they are the default templates for each type?
Sorry Greg. My mistake. I meant to write how do I copy from an invoice or sales order to a purchase order? You mentioned originally I would have to customize what fields copy over. Ideally I would like to copy over only the fields that I have checked via the line item check boxes. Thanks.
Ok. Thanks. Where do I create the actions to copy over from an invoice to a sales order? Not sure where to do this in Method.
Hi, sorry to keep wriitng you guys. I was also wondering if Method syncs the "customer notes" and "transaction notes" from Quickbooks? Im ok with having to customize this so that I can see/edit it, but I first wanted to know if the data is even there. Thanks.
Is it possible to create an invoice from an estimate? I searched around within the forums, but I couldn't find any info on this. Thanks.
I also forgot to ask how to create a purchase order from either a sales order or invoice. I appreicate your time.
Mainly sales from each lead source. I want to know where most of our customers are coming from. I was hoping that after I input the lead source under a customers name that the report would pull from all sales from that customer, both past and future orders. I am not very familiar with the report desinger because i mainly use a mac, but I do have ...
How do I run reports based on "lead sources"? I'm wanting to see what sales we genertate per lead source and I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Thanks.
Hey Greg,
I finally figured it out. I overlooked that tiny "edit" button on the right that each section has in the screen designer. Thanks so much for your help.
My mistake, the check boxes in the tables/fields < EstimateLine section are to make items required or unique. I'm just looking to make "other 1" and additional fields visible for each line item in the estimate and invoice screens.
Hey Greg,
So I was pretty stoked when I learned about the screen editor, but unfortunately this doesn't fix my main problem. Pretty neat tool though. I need to add the "other 1" field, along with some others, to the estimate and invoice "line items" as columns. The information in these fields is specifc to each ...