I'm not sure if there's a better place to report bugs or not.
Method:New does not filter out "App Specific" Activity types in the dropdowns in the Activity App. As a result, all S&I related Activities are listed in the dropdown.
You'll have to check with Method about activating it -- I've never used Method without S&I so I don't know what got turned on or not.
I know that most of the interations happen with the Entity table and the Activities table (which contains all of the Work Orders). Additional fields may get added to those already in existence ...
We did basically the same thing. What we did was enable Field Services on Method:Class, which then creates the proper tables and fields that Method expects, and used those to drive our new custom app. By doing it this way we hope it will be compatible with the Method:New version of field services as we hope the upgrade path from ...
When using the portal link on the Contacts screen all of the links point to the same Guest-Home page. I would like to have different home screens depending on the Contact Type or some other variable. At a minimum, at least a different portal Nav ribbon depending on the Contact Type. Any thoughts on how to do that?
Just curious if any of the listed fields ever got updated into the sync engine?
It would be most helpful to also have the Online Payment fields available so I can I set the online payment checkboxes from Method when I generate the invoices. Thanks.
We just lost a significant piece of data due to your bug on this email address and lack of response. As the error message is just a banner flash it isn't obvious to the user that the data is not being saved--so it got missed.
This was a poorly added change that conflicts with Quickbooks functionality which is what you guys tout...and ...
Audisho...while it is possible we've never saved those before it is highly unlikely. We have a ton of additional fields added to the customer screens so every customer we have is touched in Method at one time or another. Due to the additional tabs on the customer screen whenever we make changes to that data we run into this problem ...
Any updates? How can a change that was improperly thought out, and is impacting I'm sure more users than me, not be reverted easily and quickly.
Any updates on this? It is really causing some issues. Thanks.