You searched for the word(s): email
Can you take a quick look at the code and see what we missed on the validation? Thanks!
<!DOCTYPE html><!-- HTML 5 -->
<html dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<title>test5 | VarZero</title>
<link rel="shortcut icon" ...
Hi Ken,
With red I've highlighted the "onsubmit" you need to have in order for validation to happen. With yellow, I've highlighted the script where you will need to insert the email validity script.
Hope it helps.
<META ...
Hi Greg,
Currently SSL setup is not supported in Method. You can use your own SMTP Server or you can sign up for SMTP2GO by visiting for a nominal fee of $2 per month.
The MethodAPITableListV2 endpoint will return a list of all tables within your account - including any new custom tables you've created, and standard QuickBooks tables like Customer and Inoivce.
To verify - you tried using the tool available HERE and still did not receive a valid response? You only need to input your ...
Hey Pamela,
Unfortunately there is no way to add more lines to the Body object. Users will need to go into Full Screen if they want full area on screen:
-- Mortaza
I figured it out. It took me a while to identify which RecordID related to which record in which table. But it is now working fine.
Hi Della,
The text editor supports HTML, most of the fancy emails sent arecreated using HTML. It should allow you to create graphic emails with lots of pictures and colors.
The error you are getting is normally produced when you try to send an email to a email address that is not properly formatted(For example missing the @).
[quote user="pdirect"]As it is, I have to go into a customer, create a new activity, check the send to email box and then click the elipses by the template line. ...
Hey Christian,
I spoke too soon without testing. Your user should receive the email as well as long as the Email notification when saving? option is enabled on the bottom of the Invoice screen before clicking Save & Email. Still, you just learned a helpful bit of info which will come in handy when customizing
- Ashur
Are you an accountant that needs fast and easy access to your client’s QuickBooks company file? If so, this blog entry is right up your alley!
Back in November, the Method team was at the Sleeter Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. I am missing Phoenix right now, especially with our -15C (5F) temperatures …..never mind, there ...