Is there a way to cuztomize a screen so I can select or unselect all work orders in a grid, not page by page, when I invoice my work orders at the end of the month, I have several pages that I have to go to select them all. I would like to simplify the process
I have a report that shows completed work orders, how do I add a sum that shows me how many work orders are in the report?
Is the "from date" and "to date" at the top od the work order list screen, I just would like them to display the day of the week
I have the screen divided in 5 rows, and I want to put 5 buttons in 1 cell, but only 4 fit and the 5th one goes into another line
That i why I wanted to know if I can make the buttons smaller to fit that last one in the same line
Can the date format of a dropdown field be change to show the day od the week?
Monday 12/01/2014
Is there a way to control button size?
I have 5 buttons next to each other in one cell but the 5th one goes into a second line because they are to wide, can I make them smaller?
If I do this and something goes wrong when I ran the actions, can I undo it or go back ?
I have a field called "customer sort order" is a number.
I want to update this field by adding a 0 to all the records.
For example is sort order is 2 it will change to 20 , if it is 3 it will change to 30 and so on.
How would I do something like that