H i thesolarguys,
Thanks for reporting this. I want to let you know that this is a known bug. Our team is aware of this but unfortunately this is a limitation of the checkboxes and our team will not be addressing that.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Hi David,
I can look into your account for the actions to see what might be wrong there. Can you please let me know where are you actually doing this under which app and screen?
If you can give me a little more information, that would be helpful.
Hello MerrellJ,
The boolean field are read-only by design on the editable grid. The value is suppose to get updated from the table they are linked from.
The workaround I would suggest to have a button on the grid and add actions on the button which would update the value in the table they are linked from and refresh it in the ...
Hi Damien,
Thanks for reaching out to us. This issue looks more on QuickBooks end. I found this article on their Helpcenter. If you need further assistance or required more information on this issue, I would recommend you to reach out to QuickBooks Support. They might have more insights on this issue.
Hello thesolarguys,
I have created a support case for our team to assist you with this issue. They will schedule a time with you and troubleshoot this over screen share.
How is your Admin getting all the customer questions, & comments? I can try and guide you in right direction but I just want to make sure I understand the question correctly.
Hello Rollerroman,
Do you want to use the multiple employees on the same job? Do you want to calculate on the level of Job? If you need training in Customization, we do have paid service, where we can build this for you and teach you how to do it.
Hello Lindsey,
Thanks for reaching out. Out of the box, this feature is not available in Method. The reason why we do not have this in the first place is to avoid mass delete of the data. Because if you delete the activities it is a hard delete and you might lose that data.
But if you would still like to add that feature in Method, you ...
Hi Jamesvree,
Welcome to Method! Can you provide me more detail about your workflow? When you say about deals, what are you referring as deals in Method?
Also, with every Method:New account, you get one free hour of consulting with our Consulting team. If you would like to use that free hour to learn about how to customize or have ...
Hello rberlin01,
As you have also emailed us about this issue, I have replied to your email and we can troubleshoot it over email. Let me know if that works for you.