Hi Grif,
Unfortunately, there is currently no integration/sync between Google and Method contacts. Your best bet would be to import/export as Mary suggested. Hope this helps!
Hi wildliferemoval,
This message may be in a Conditional Warning action. Since you get the message when you press Upload a New Document, the action is probably stored inside this button. On the New Customer screen, it looks like this:
If you change the highlighted text to Vendor instead of Customer, this should solve your ...
Hi Andy,
If you need to, in Quickbooks you can prevent the sync engine from launching automatically by going to Edit>Preferences>Integrated Application. When does Quickbooks crash? Are both instances of the engine trying to sync at the same time? Is there an error message in Quickbooks or in the engine?
A user asked why his group items were not displaying the items within the group, only the group item itself.
When you initially add a group item to a transaction, it will not show the additional items until you either Update the grid (see my screenshot below) or Save the transaction. Hope this helps! Please respond here if you ...
Hi! It’s me again, Jason.
Here at Method we like to go out and do fun things after work. What kind of fun things, you ask? Well, for our next outing, a bunch of us are going to see my band play! We’re called The Breaking Lakes. I guess I have to go…but others are coming too, so I decided to track who at Method ...
You could also try this. Take a look at the Generate Report action inside the Print Preview button on the Sales Order screen. If you mimic this action on your new email button, and create an action result, you can use this action result in a Send Email action. Put your action result from your Generate Report ...
Hi Karen,
I think the best bet is to reverse engineer the Email notification when saving? check box and the Save & Email button from the stock estimate screen. Unfortunately this functionaility isn't built into the stock sales order screen so you'll have to build it through customization. It looks like it could get pretty ...
You may have used the wrong fields. For example, in an Estimate report the Desc field you would use is called EstimateLine.Estimate.Desc. To find this field from the field list, go to Estimate>EstimateLine.Estimate>Desc (See my screenshot below). If the Desc field you chose is named EstimateLine.Desc, you may ...
Hi Andy,
Unfortunately you will have to regenerate the code after you have fixed the web form and copy and paste it into your website again. Let me know if this works!
Have you tried with a Standard Web-To-Lead form to see if it works? In your screenshot, I noticed that Activity - Entity is in step 2, but in the formula you reference the Customer - Name field in step 3. The web form will save in order so there might not be a Customer - Name value created yet when you are trying to reference it ...