Hello Colin,
'Name' is the field name in API for inserting values into 'Name in Quickbooks' and it is available for insert in Customer table.
I've ran a query on all the different tables, but I can't seem to figure out how to access the "Name in Quickbooks" field using the Method API when creating new leads using MethodAPIInsertV2. Is it under an alias?
Hey FujiMats,
If you are using Method:Classic then there is no way to do this currently with the web-to-lead form. However the Web-To-Lead form in Method:New does handle this, you can read more about it here.
Hi Dieter,
The Name field for Entities ( Customers / Vendors / Leads / Employees ) in Method and QB must be unique for it to be added. You'll need to make sure you make the name is unique before adding them into Method.
Thanks Dieter!
Good morning,
We have connected method via API to our webshop and we create leads, customers and sales orders.
It works fairly well, but we have the following problem::
If a new customer/lead with a name that is already in use, wants to register the following error message apperas:
Save Warning: The Customer/Employee/Vendor/OtherName ...
We have repeat customers that will frequently contact us through our web-lead form but it's creating duplicates. Is there a way to screen for this or does input into method need to be done manually?
Yes, issue is resolved. Thanks.
I believe it had started roughly a week to two weeks ago. Interestingly enough, so far the requests have now been pushing through correctly, without issue.
Hey rgatton,
I would recommend reaching out to our support team for more help with this.
When you sync your QuickBooks company file to your Method account the company file and the account are bound together. You cannot reuse an account on a different QuickBooks company file without causing data conflicts and inconsistencies. If you need to sync ...
Hey Colin,
When did "Operation timed out" start happening? We made some changes earlier today, is it still happening now?
If its still happening can you send me your account name to