Hi Laura,
I would check steps 6 and 7 of the Web-To-Lead setup and confirm that the information is accurate. It may also be a good idea to check your Default Email Preferences under Customize > My Account and click Save & Send Test Email.
Hi Matt,
Based on what you have mentioned I tried the following.
Created a new field called TestField in the Contacts table.
Edited the ContactsPortal_EditProfile screen and added a new textbox to the Edit Contact information section.
Copied an existing update action and changed it to update TestField and pull the value from the ...
If you have any conflicts related to Entity I would address those and check again also is this for a customer or a job of a customer?
When you created the drop down for the U/M in the InvoiceLine table did you create the drop down based on the UnitOfMeasureSet table? Using the UnitOfMeasureSet table will ensure that the U/M types used in InvoiceLine will always match those used in items and if you want to take it a step further you can create some actions on your ...
The drop down list for customers on the standard invoice screen is filtered to only show active customers. If this customer you are trying to create an invoice for is set to inactive then they will not be displayed. Does this cusomer appear in the existing customer list when the filter by view is set to All Active ...
Hi Andy,
You would have to edit all the screens that the Go To button takes you to individually. This new field you created will not be linked back to QuickBooks. Why are you not using the default U/M field? What exactly are you trying to achieve?
It looks like there is something going on with the grid on your contacts screen. Let me look into this and get back to you. I am quite postive it is not corruption, most likely just something to do with how the grid is operating. I have tested it on my account and can't duplicate it so it may be specific to yours.
What's the exact error message you are getting? At which point are you getting the error message? If you have a screenshot of the error can you send it to
Currently there is no means to get the line to look the exact same like it does when using non-read only fields. You could change the formatting option on the field to show an underline but it would underline both the caption and the value. Another option would be to use label as dividers between the fields.
HI Ian,
You should get a message like this. I was able to duplicate your issue, let me ge back to you on it.