Method Community



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  • Re: Email Template Problem

    I&#39;m growing weary of hearing that I can customize method to however I like it.&nbsp; There are&nbsp;4 main problems with this approach. 1) It takes a lot of time.&nbsp; I didn&#39;t go with Method so I can spend all my time customizing it.&nbsp; A little customization is ok, but when I&#39;m constantly hearing that I need to customize it . . ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-17-2011
  • Re: Outlook Integration Not Working

    What good is it if it works for you but not for me an any computer with any version of outlook?&nbsp; I just tried it again and again, no method tags.&nbsp; I followed your simple instructions flawlessly ... but still don&#39;t see the method tags. &nbsp;
  • Email Template Problem

    I have assigned certain email templates to certain users.&nbsp; But each user sees and can use all the&nbsp;email templates assigned to other users.&nbsp; So what is the point of assigning users&nbsp;to a particular email template?&nbsp; It would make more sense if this could be customized so that a user ONLY sees email&nbsp;templates assigned ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-17-2011
  • Report Assignment Not Saved

    I&#39;ve created a couple scheduled reports (sales by rep detail) and assigned the reports to a user.&nbsp; But after I save that report and go back in to edit the report, it reverts back to being assigned to the admin account instead of using the assigned account.&nbsp; i.e. it&#39;s not saving any user assignment other than the admin.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-16-2011
  • New Line Item Not Working

    When we try to add a new line item to a sales order, it doesn&#39;t work.&nbsp; Nothing happens.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-16-2011
  • Outlook Integration Not Working

    I&nbsp;have installed the latest version&nbsp;of the Outlook Integration plugin&nbsp;on a&nbsp;Windows 7 computer running Outlook 2010.&nbsp; When I open an appt. time slot in Outlook and&nbsp;click the add to method button and go through the steps to create an activity, the method tags&nbsp;do not show up in Outlook like they do in&nbsp;Webinar ...
  • Sales Order does not automatically prefil

    When we go to the customer list, select a customer, click on the transactions tab and select the &quot;New Sales Order&quot; button, the customer name populates in the sales order, but none of the other customer information prepopulates (such as addresses).&nbsp; If we select that customer again from the sales order window, then the information ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-09-2011
  • Too Many Decimal Places

    On few of the screens in Method (that we have not customized), we are seeing&nbsp;5 decimal places (instead of 2).&nbsp; It doesn&#39;t happen all the time, but it does happen regularly.&nbsp; I have a screenshot I could send.&nbsp; One place this happens is on the customer window under the transactions tab total.&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-09-2011
  • Re: download for report designer

    Suggestion to Method: Please create a downloads&nbsp;section from your site that houses ALL of your downloads such as the integration engine, outlook integration, report designer, etc.&nbsp; It makes sense that these would be in the app library, but they&#39;re not.&nbsp; And I spend so much time trying to search through all the blog and ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-08-2011
  • Re: Should "On Hand" Show Up in the ItemInventory Screen?

    Correct in your restatement of the issue.&nbsp; And I emailed a screenshot.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by pdirect on 02-08-2011
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