I'm growing weary of hearing that I can customize method to however I like it. There are 4 main problems with this approach.
1) It takes a lot of time. I didn't go with Method so I can spend all my time customizing it. A little customization is ok, but when I'm constantly hearing that I need to customize it . . ...
What good is it if it works for you but not for me an any computer with any version of outlook? I just tried it again and again, no method tags. I followed your simple instructions flawlessly ... but still don't see the method tags.
I have assigned certain email templates to certain users. But each user sees and can use all the email templates assigned to other users. So what is the point of assigning users to a particular email template? It would make more sense if this could be customized so that a user ONLY sees email templates assigned ...
I've created a couple scheduled reports (sales by rep detail) and assigned the reports to a user. But after I save that report and go back in to edit the report, it reverts back to being assigned to the admin account instead of using the assigned account. i.e. it's not saving any user assignment other than the admin.
When we try to add a new line item to a sales order, it doesn't work. Nothing happens.
I have installed the latest version of the Outlook Integration plugin on a Windows 7 computer running Outlook 2010. When I open an appt. time slot in Outlook and click the add to method button and go through the steps to create an activity, the method tags do not show up in Outlook like they do in Webinar ...
When we go to the customer list, select a customer, click on the transactions tab and select the "New Sales Order" button, the customer name populates in the sales order, but none of the other customer information prepopulates (such as addresses). If we select that customer again from the sales order window, then the information ...
On few of the screens in Method (that we have not customized), we are seeing 5 decimal places (instead of 2). It doesn't happen all the time, but it does happen regularly. I have a screenshot I could send. One place this happens is on the customer window under the transactions tab total.
Suggestion to Method:
Please create a downloads section from your site that houses ALL of your downloads such as the integration engine, outlook integration, report designer, etc. It makes sense that these would be in the app library, but they're not. And I spend so much time trying to search through all the blog and ...
Correct in your restatement of the issue. And I emailed a screenshot.