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You searched for the word(s): email
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  • Re: Method to Quickbooks Sync Issues - Bills Entered and Invoice Dates

    Hello David,      Most of the time, anything that does not sync over is in conflict.  On the rare occassion, I do see a transaction or customer with no conflict that will not sync.  If the bill is not in the resolve conflict list, go to QuickBooks tab group -> QuickBooks Dashboard.  There is a list called ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Greg on 09-15-2014
  • API Login Failure during Trial

    Hello: I setup a trial account and have it linked to quickbook desktop and all is working well.  I setup a user for the API, checking the box to allow API access.  Using the following link as a test: However, when executing the test, I receive an ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by BradSmithWV on 09-11-2014
  • Re: Sales order in Method?

    Ok I made some headway and got the save and email button working on Sales Orders screen.  Only issue I am having is that whith the portal url.  I am not sure what fields to use to bring the customer to the actual Sales Order transaction.  I copied most of the button actions from Invoice and Estimates.  The customer can log in ...
  • Trouble saving documents into SmartVault from the Google Gadget

    When I try to add an activity from the google gadget and include attachments, it seems to always send the first attachment to Method / SmartVault without an issue. However, the other attachments don't get added. Every time I add attachments / documents through the Google gadget, I get a pop-up warning that says the following: "Failed ...
  • Activity Emails do not show Customer/Company name on subject line

    Is there a way to have the company name show up on the subject line when I create/save an activity that is then emailed to one of our salespeople?  Currently it just has [Unknown Company] You have been assigned a Follow-Up Activity #101.  It would make it much easier for the receiver to see the company name, especially since it does not ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by LaurieH on 07-30-2014
  • Endicia/USPS integration.

    The easy answer to this post - (I'll answer it before I ask for a current workaround solution) is to accept the Endicia API into the METHOD suite of features.  SITUATION: I am working with a third party integration team and they are trying to help me get everything set up as much as possible prior to involving METHOD consulting - ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Ben on 07-02-2014
  • Opt-out Link

    I am a new Method CRM user and  would like to know how to do the following: We would like to provide our customers a chance to Opt-out of receiving marketing emails from us.  I see the link http://urlforoptout/ and I have tried it, it works.  But I would like to know how to make it appear as an unsubscribe link.  This link is ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Logworks on 06-25-2014
  • Re: Google Gadget and Cases

    Hi Jason,  So what would the work around be here to associate the activity with a case?  First add the activity, then go to Activities tab in the gadget, select the one just added, and associate it with the case?  That seems rather clunky - and I'm having trouble convincing my users to do it.  Any chance that those ...
  • Re: Report Designer

    Hi Guy, I received your email today with the WorkOrder template of what you would like to do with the Customer Equipment.  I just wanted to quickly add it here, again just in case any other Method Users are following this, this should give a better idea of what you are attempting.  I will be working on this tomorrow to see how this can ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 04-30-2014
  • Re: adding to field list

    Hi Guy, I am going to have to look into this a bit, I haven't had much experience dealing the wtih the Customer Equipment area in Method.  Also, I have a feeling that this has to do with your other forum post, here, that we had been going back and forth with.  I must apologize, after seeing this last post from you, I went back to ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 04-30-2014
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