Hello kefpa01,
In addition to my previos comment, you can get the screen value for 8daysAway by clicking on Advanced on DueDateEnd
anc click on SQL Override.
The important thing on SqlOverride is Step 3 as we are more focused on getting the screen value for 8DaysAway field.
In step 1, you can choose Activity table and in Step ...
I am glad that your issue is resolved now.
Hello kefpa01,
According to your requirement the code should look like this. In this code it is looking for value on the grid column and comparing it with screen.
CASE WHEN viewActivity.DueDateEnd < ScreenValue THEN '<font color="red"><b>' + Entity + '</b></font>'
WHEN ...
Hello kefpa01,
You syntax should look something like this:
(CASE WHEN [DueDateEnd] < viewActivity.8DaysAway THEN '<font color="red"><b>' + Entity + '</b></font>'
WHEN [DueDateStart] < viewActivity.8DaysAway THEN '<b>' + Entity + '</b>'
ELSE ...
Hello MikeB,
There first thing I would check is how many custom fields you have in your QB file. The item list has a limit of 5 custom fields in Pro and Premier version. In Enterprise (starting with V10) you can add up to 15 custom fields in the item list.
Please check it and let me know if that is the issue.
Hello theSolarguys,
Is this happening for all users or just one specific user? Is it just happening on calendar or overall Method is slow? Did you try using different browser?
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for the valuable feedback. I agree with you that the default filter should be "contains". Unfortunately, there is no easy way of doing it. I am going to pass this to the team in order to improve it in future release.
Hello Rick,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I was able to replicate the same issue on my account. There is certainly something wrong on the grid, where it is calculating the amount of the previous bills and adding it to the next bill. I am going to create a ticket for this issue and will post back once the issue is ...
Hello Sixtel,
Thanks for your valueable feedback. I will pass this to our team to consider this in their future projects. Once again, we appreciate your input.
Hello Sixtel,
Thanks for sharing the solution. We really appreciate your input. I am glad that you were able to find the solution in the old thread.