I seem to be having issues on the Point Click action on the chart object. Here are some screen shots
Any updates on this?
it would be nice to have an ETA so I can determine whether we need to look at a workaround.
I have a scenario where I'm updating a value in a field on the screen from a shared result, then calling the actions from that field.
It seems like my call another action set processes before the field on the screen gets updated. See my action set below. I have run into this before and usually manged to work around it.
Incidentally, I just discovered it had saved the field and I can actually use it on the screen.
I have a customization where I need to make the follow-up from activity number a drop-down on the Edit Activity screen so it can be selected when the person doing the scheduling has failed to link the activities.
I want the field to display the activity record ID. But in the field columns, I want to display activity type and due date on to make ...
I am unable to add a Yes/No field to the Activity Table. I get this error.
I was able to successfully add a text field and a drop-down field. Seems to be isolated to yes no fields.
I'd like to raise this back up again.
It would be nice if there could be a pop-up display when hovering over an activity in the calendar.
If there are several time activities within the same one hour slot, it is difficult to see the details without clicking the activity and showing it in the edit activity screen.
The Activity Calendar really needs a Day of Week.
Just implemented a system for a client and the secretary is complaining!