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  • problem with apostrophe in an Employee name

    Using a screen I created based on the Quickbooks_Time_Tracking screen, I notice there is a problem if the employee has an apostrophe in the name.&nbsp; Easy to reproduce, setup employee Jimmy O&#39;Shea, and try to create a time tracking entry.&nbsp; The entry does not get displayed or created.&nbsp; Some browsers will show an error, some ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by HarryWho on 03-21-2012
  • Re: New Sync Engine Update version 1.0.190

    &nbsp;Paul, Would this explain why we are seeing transactions well before the Transaction History setting.&nbsp; We set Transaction History to 60 days and all transaction options to Default.&nbsp; Yet we are seeing a small sampling of transaction from as far bask as 5 years. This makes us uncomforatable and we need to understand exactly how the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by viret56 on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Dollar Symbol

    &nbsp;Hello! Any news on this issue? Is there a way to work around this, get a $ to display? Thanks!
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by hycari on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Email & Tasks Automated WorkFlows like Sales Force

    Hi Scott -&nbsp; As Val says this is not feature that method supports out of the box. &nbsp;However, &nbsp;it can be added using the api and a web service. We&#39;d be happy to discuss the possiblities.
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by LaCrews on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Export Problem

    I am also seeing this problem on a portal I created based on the Quickbooks_Timesheet. Clicking on &quot;Download Excel Report&quot; on the pop-up that says &quot;Your file is ready to be downloaded.&nbsp; Click the link below to download your file:&quot;, I get this error... 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by HarryWho on 03-21-2012
  • Re: field Name error

    Hi Rolf, Before we explore this post, it is probably best if you are made aware of the Entity table in Method. The Entity table is a special table that is made up of the Customer, Vendor, Employee and Other Name tables merging them all into one table. Now, this means any fields you add to those individual tables will also appear in our Entity ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Email & Tasks Automated WorkFlows like Sales Force

    Yes we are looking for the automation so when we import a lead it will send an auto message out and setup tasks and other auto email messages based on a schedule. We really like your product and would be willing to pay for a feature like that. This one feature is holding us back. Any room on the roadmap for this or plans to do it? &nbsp;&nbsp;
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by scott2X on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Email & Tasks Automated WorkFlows like Sales Force

    Hi Scott - welcome to Method! Method does not have a feature to send automated emails in that respect. However, we do have some automated &#39;system&#39; emails that are sent out to serve as activity/task reminders or alerts if the Method user opts in to get these reminders or SMS alerts. Keep in mind you can certainly use Method CRM to send ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Valbon on 03-21-2012
  • field Name error

    For the last few days I&#39;ve noticed a very strange error&nbsp; where I am editting a field, and the edit window shows a field name different than what it actually is. Saving my changes does work, but if I&#39;m changing the caption, the new caption is changed but not always displayed on the customization screen. &nbsp; I noticed this while ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Rolf on 03-21-2012
  • Re: Invoice "Site" column / Inventory Site List - where's the table?

    Bob - that makes sense. &nbsp;When Method adds the invoice into QuickBooks through the normal user interface (or the API) there is currently no way to specify the site (or location) that it belongs to when the inventory site feature is turned on. Turning it off is one solution but in a case where someone wants to take advantage of the advanced ...
    Posted to Method:API Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 03-21-2012
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