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  • What is the role of the "LineGroupRecordID" field?

    In line item tables, such as SalesOrderLineItems or InvoiceLineItems, there are several RecordID fields.&nbsp; First, there is just the RecordID, which I assume is the ID of the individual line. Second, there is SalesOrderRecordID (or the Invoice equivalent), which associates a line item with a given Sales Order.&nbsp; There are a few other ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by smohyee on 02-24-2012
  • Re: Customer-Name field in web to lead forms

    Hi Sunny,&nbsp; [quote user=&quot;Sunny&quot;] We have 2 types of customers - a private individual and the corporate customer who is a client on behalf of their company &nbsp; For the corporate customer we normally want to know their position in the company and also the company name&nbsp; - for the private individual this info is unnecessary - ...
    Posted to Method:Classic Web Forms (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-24-2012
  • Re: Missing Estimate Numbers

    Hi John M,&nbsp; You don&#39;t need to worry about this because the estimate information is still saved in your QuickBooks company file and within your Method account. The number is just not coming through and I want to troubleshoot it further. Can you please enable the MethodSupport user for me and e-mail me at ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-24-2012
  • Re: Missing Estimate Numbers

    Ronen, What i ment was, when i create a estimate i get a estimate number on any new estimates after your method update. All my older estimates dont have numbers. &nbsp;That means im missing 20 estimates. Should i worry about this becasue i can still see the estimate in quickbooks and method.&nbsp; John M
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by John M on 02-24-2012
  • Re: Multiple Emails

    Hi lvharris,&nbsp; Can you please e-mail me at the e-mail settings which are working for you? Are you setting up the default e-mail settings for your entire account, or are you setting the e-mail settings for each individual user? When I logged in, I only noticed that the default e-mail settings were set but not ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-24-2012
  • Re: 64 Bit MS Office and the Method Outlook Plug-in

    Hi haident,&nbsp; At this time, we only support the 32 bit version of Office 2010.&nbsp; Ronen
  • Re: Intuit Payment gateway issues with estimates and multiple cards

    MisterBill - I wanted to update you on this. &nbsp;We added a new feature that lets you give a single-sign-on click to the portal. &nbsp; Instead of sending them, you can now send them Where&nbsp; is her email address. &nbsp; We&#39;re working towards making ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Method_Paul on 02-24-2012
  • Re: invoice not appearing in quickbooks

    Hi swm023,&nbsp; Are you able to create an invoice for any other existing customer in Method when you don&#39;t select the checkbox for &quot;To be e-mailed in QuickBooks?&quot; If you are having trouble creating the invoice for this customer when you place a checkmark in the &quot;To be emailed in QuickBooks?&quot;, are you getting the ...
    Posted to Method:Classic General Q&A (Forum) by Anonymous on 02-24-2012
  • Re: Activities not on calander

    Hi,&nbsp; In addition to my original response, within that same window, if you select the&nbsp;&quot;Appoinments&quot; tab, please make sure that in the &quot;Synchronize the following activiy types&quot; dropdown selection, that the &quot;Activity Types&quot;&nbsp;from Method that you want to synchronize has a ...
  • Re: 64 Bit MS Office and the Method Outlook Plug-in

    &nbsp;The 64 bit version is only available in Office 2010. The reason I am asking is (quote from PC World mag article - one of many comments on this): None of your old Office add-ins will work in the 64-bit world. They have to be rewritten and recompiled specifically for 64-bit Office 2010. In some cases, programming controls commonly used in ...
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