I'm looking in the Audit Trail and notice an interesting API call. The fields included are the ones I'm trying to clear out.
MethodAPISelect_XMLV2 - viewaccSalesOrder
The following query was created in MethodAPISelect_XMLV2: SELECT TOP 333334 [Customer],[Memo],[PONumber] FROM [viewaccSalesOrder] WITH (nolock) WHERE ([TenantID] IS ...
When you click Save...the data indeed clears from those fields. In fact, the data is saved properly (I exported the table immediately after Saving the record and see those fields are empty in the db).
But once you load the record again (click Select in the grid list), for some reason the previous values get loaded back and Saved to the ...
Thx for doing that....but go back and view that screen again. The data is back.
Still a problem. Saved Sales Order table (no changes made) and tried to clear these fields but the values come back for some reason.
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Yes. Save All Sections is in there...just like it is on the stock screen. Like I said, updates to other values work...just not udpates with empty values. I'm using the stock screen right now and seeing the same behavior
UPDATE: This happens for the Customer Message (dropdown) and Due Date fields (datetime dropdown field) as well. It's not just simple text boxes. It's anything on the screen. Once a field is saved with a value, it will only update to other non-empty values. An empty value isn't honored.
Seems like a form post issue to ...
VERY weird problem I noticed today on my Sales Order screen. Once a value is put into a text box and saved (say, a PO Number or the Memo) and then if that value is subsequently is removed, leaving the text box empty...the field seems to be updated, but once the record is loaded again (Set Active Record ID for Screen by clicking Select in the ...
I wound up just hacking a report solution by putting a PrintMe flag on SalesOrderLineItems and setting this flag to True based on what was selected in the grid on the screen. After generating the report, I update the flag back to False again.
I got this idea from another post on the forum (can't find the link at the moment).
I ...
I need to generate a Sales Order report given a particular SO RecordID but I need to only display certain selected Sales Order Line Items. How do I specify both the SO RecordID for the report as well as filtering for certain Line Item IDs?
Apparently my 'creative' solution doesn't work. I can't seem to enter anything into a read-only table cell from an Action.