Hey Mahlon,
I was able to replicate this error, I have created a ticket for our development team. I'll keep you posted here.
-- Mortaza
Hey Mahlon,
This may have been an odd case, as I'm having trouble replicating.
I followed the same steps, Button pointing to Another Set > Renaming button > Save > and the Action was still pointing to the correct Action Set.
-- Mortaza
Hey Mahlon,
I have created a ticket for our development team to take a look, I'll keep you posted here.
-- Mortaza
Hey Cameron
There isn't a filter for Opportunity by Campaign. You can however customize the screen to add that yourself. You can take a look at the filters in place and use those as a guide to create yours. The actions for filtering are found on the Generate Report button. The field you'll want to filter for is ...
Hey Maureen,
I did take another look, first I wanted to confirm which Roles you are referring to, is the ones listed under ‘Customize > Roles’ or the Roles on the Users table that references the Tab Groups?
Knowing this we can put together a efficient solution than the quick one I put together that may leave room for a lot of ...
Hey Jason,
In terms of Report Designer, we do not have a full documentation of all the Tables/Fields. If you have any specific questions in terms of any Tables or Fields to use in which case - I'm more than happy to help.
-- Mortaza
Hey Mahlon,
I see how that table is available in M:C to retrieve records, I do not see it M:N. I have created a ticket for our development team to take a look.
I'll update our thread as soon as I hear back.
-- Mortaza
Hey Mahlon,
Can you please send me an email with the Company Account and I can open a ticket for our development team to take a further look at the error.
-- Mortaza
Hi Maureen,
If I understand correctly, you do not want to completely remove the Activity Status dropdown for certain Users just certain options within the dropdown? I'll have to look more into if that's a possible option.
One thing that did come to mind you can try, (which we do on certain stock screens):
You can try using ...
Hey Mahlon,
I'm having trouble replicating this issue, I may need to know a little more on the Action Set.
-- Mortaza