Nathan -
The reason you had the problem yesterday that you did was that Intuit had recently made the add/edit of customer notes possible for developers. Previously it was read only. Problem is, there was a communication break down, and no developers were alerted to this - so it hit us by suprise.
We are still implementing their new ...
How do I fix a sync issue with quickbooks? It now appears that after fixing the issue of the sync process deleting my notes in quickbooks, method will no longer sync the notes from quickbooks at all??? i have even tried manually entered the same info into the notes in method and they won’t even save much less sync!
The grid is built from the SalesOrder table. DeliveryDate is the column where we are facing the problem with the data.
AccountName is ServiceDirectgroupllc and the screen name is DDSOReport.
Thanks Paul, this makes sense. I've looked around quite a bit but I can't find any decent examples of how to properly use the "Send to Desktop" action via a loop when working with both transaction and detail tables. Here's what I have right now, but I'm a little unclear as to the placement and configuration of ...
Thanks for the reply info and link, very helpful.
It happens again today when I tried to close QB I got the msg "The company file canot be closed at this time because there is another application (Method Integration Engine..) which is using it....". I did a File / Shutdown and then I ...
There was nothing you could do to fix this. The issue was that Intuit changed the way notes were handled and didn't inform any third-party companies so it broke the sync process. We have updated Method to work with the changes made by Intuit.
Was this an issue i could have fixed or not? if so how?
This should no longer be an issue. Any changes made from now on will not clear out any of the notes.
Hi Navitha,
I’m curious to know what table the grid is built from and what field you are using? My hunch is that this is also related to the time portion of the date/time field .
Can you please email me (1) name of the account (2) name of screen. (3) where I can find the actions. Also, please be sure that the Method Support user is enabled.
Modifying the JournalEntryLine would NOT send the tranaction to QuickBooks.
Modifying the JournalEntry WOULD send the transaction to QuickBooks.
After you are finished editing all your JournalEntryLine records, call the SendToDesktop action for the JournalEntry and that will tell Method "hey I'm doing making all the modifications ...