Paul, I'm trying to modify journal entry lines via a loop. It loops just fine and updates the record in Method, and they show that they have been modified in the Method audit history, but nothing gets pushed to QuickBooks and i'm not getting any conflicts or other error messages in Method or on the Desktop.
Just to test it out, ...
Did you maybe add the 2 drop downs as unbound fields?
If you click on edit on the fields in the designer do you see something like Step 1 of 6: Dropdown Field Properties for field ProjectType or Step 1 of 6: Dropdown Object Properties in the top left of the popup that comes up.
When I export an Opportunity Table I have over 100 opportunities. I can go to each customer/lead and see the opportunities. However, when I go to my Opportunity List to filert and view opportunities I can only see 2 or 3. What is going on? How can I fix this?
I have been able to duplciate this and have created a ticket. I will update this forum post when I have additonal info.
How would I go about creating a way to view my leads by city or location? I guess I'd need to do the same for customers and opportunites as well.
Sounds completely unrelated to your original question.
What kind of existing transactions are you modifying?
Are there any messages coming up in the actual sync engine activity log on your desktop?
Paul, I'm still having issues with this. The error message isn't showing up anymore, but when I make changes to the existing transactions, updates are still not being made in QuickBooks.
I tried doing a full sync in addition to a changes only sync, and nothing is happening. I'm wondering if I'll continue to have issues ...
We are having a problem when method syncs with quickbooks it
started deleting the notes in both method and quickbooks. This
started while I was adding info in the territories field in method which is a custome field that doesnt sync with quickbooks.
I have customized both my New Opportunity Screen and my Edit Opportunity screen to include drop down fields for "Project Category" and "Project Type." I have included these in the Opportunities database as well. However, when I save the New Opportunity with information in these fields the information is not actually being ...
Thanks that placed the client into QBonline and it synced