I have a list of 100 contacts I'd like to efficiently upload from Excel into Method as Leads only. Any ideas?
That worked! Thank you for such prompt responses!
What kind of permissions do you have on that computer? Are you an admin?
Try right-clicking on the install file MethodOutlookAddIn.exe and select Run As Admin.
If you are still having issues email me and we can setup a time for me to connect to your computer and take a look at this issue.
Thanks Michael, I did try that sequence from your suggestion in another forum. Unfortunately, the error still comes up - and that's all it gives me. I'm not sure if it helps to know that it's written in a command prompt window.
Is there any more to that error message or is that the full message?
Can you try the following as well:
Open Internet Explorer
Click Tools > Internet Options
Click Security tab.
Click Trusted Sites
Click Sites
Enter https://methodintegration.com in the Add this website to ...
What merge fields are you trying to use? Which screen are you trying to Merge them from?
If you are using list builder it currently only supports merging of fields from the ListBuilder table and the Users table.
After saving the add-in the my desktop and beginning to Run for installation, I get a message that reads: "Installing Certificate... Failed to install certificate." I can't get any further. Help?
When creating a mail merge e-mail campaign, I experience trouble in identifying the run a Character Function action. Could someone help with this?
This can happen in situations where drop down fields aren't required fields. I have put in a ticket to address this further.
The CRM_LeadList list screen and the CRM_EditLead list are based off different tables, the CRM_LeadList screen is based off the Contacts table and the CRM_EditLead screen is based off the Customer table.
To get the fields you added to the customer table into the contacts table you can link them.
Go To Customize > Tables / ...