When you add a new field to a table (In this case the customer table) it should show up in the toolbox under Add Fields for screens based off that table.
You can do something simliar for Sale Orders but when you create a Sales order you don't assign it to a contact you assign it to a customer at least on the standard Method screens it works like that.
I am exp0orting the data using the methods action. I am having the EST time zone setting on my machine, but still i am facing the problem.
This is not happening with all the records. it is giving the problem with particular records. Does the time zone setting in the client machine have any problem, because i believe this should take the ...
Without knowing the inner technical workings of how Method develops it's stack, I could only speculate on efficiency. In our case, either way it's a lookup...whether it's through a linked field (your solution) or looking up the information upon Item selection (mine).
The linked field is a better overall solution b/c it doesn't ...
We are in
the process of uploading thousands of potential leads. We want to make it so
the screen CRM_LeadList shows some of the new categories we added to
CRM_EditLead. For example, several hundred leads are from one source, and while
we are able to get that source to appear in the CRM_EditLead screen, we cannot
get that to appear in the ...
I was also having a sync error with unit of measure... I have come to conclusion I do not like UOM. I finally ended up adding a linked field to the item table for the base conflict error went away for this.
So....which approach is more efficient for searching; usage, etc or does it matter...
doing a lookup for ...
Shelley - glad to hear it worked.
Not sure what was wrong.....republishing the screen is like restarting your's the first thing I try before troubleshooting any further.
Just to be safe, I'll run a utility that regenerates all your screens. It's at 34% right now, and should be done in a couple ...
Great suggestion. Save is working now.
We do have custom screens and republishing fixed the problem. Do you have any thoughts on what may be causing this? I am the only person who can publish a screen. I would prefer to avoid the problem in the future in case I am not available to fix it right away.