I got the new CRM_EditLead screen created and I can see what you mean about dragging and dropping. However, how do I get the new field I created--LeadStage--into the toolbox on the left so that I can drag and drop it onto my screen?
Hola Method,
So this has to do with adding contacts to customers that already exist. The only way I know how to do this currently is by going into the customer list, editing the customer of choice, then going to the "contacts" tab and adding a new contact.
But what about the various other screens that refer to contact info, ie ...
If you edit the actions associated with the drop down causing the issue, you will most likely see that action 20 is an End loop through grid instead of an End Loop through table, change it to be End loop through table and it should most likely fix this issue.
The issue here is the format string for the labels.
Click on the label that you want to format and you should see '>' appear just above it, click on it.
Click ... next to Format string and select the appropriate format.
To actually see the new fields that you add, you will have to customize the screen and add the fields onto it.
Go to Customize > Screen and edit the CRM_EditLead screen. In the designer you should see the new fields you added on the left and you should be able to drag them onto the screen. When you go to edit the CRM_EditLead ...
Hi Michael,
Just updated to the new CRM after your last message. You are right, it works now for the default PO screen. How do I modify my existing customized PO screen from the old version so that I can avoid this error and get the ship to address fields to auto-populate when I select from the drop down? Hoping to not have to re-create our PO ...
- --- The Invoice Screen --- The Invoice Print Preview
I am having two issues between the invoice screen and what the print out looks like.
1) How do I get rid of the time stamp from the selected date
2) How do I set up the proper decimal places in the the Payments/Credit
My method account has the following settings:
email server address:
Port: 587
Use SS: no
Looking at my notes, ATT said that port 25 on there end was blocked when i was using Method. Dont know what they mean by "their ports"
Good luck.
John M
we cannot find the new fields that we add. Any advice on how I can see these new fields in the Leads screen?; We are in the process of uploading data from our leads. We have had to create additional fields (i.e. a field for “title”). While we are able to successfully upload our data so that it appears in the Leads screen