I could use my 1 and 1 hosting email account and use method server and the mail went through but if i used att email and method server everything stopped.
I do remember the att rep telling me that if they have the slightest reason to beleive that any program, server or computer you are using is sending spam, they blacklist that ...
Thanks, and yes all of our emails are "verified". You mean the Method server is blacklisted? Because our email addresses wouldn't be blacklisted.
Also, this happens with MS Office 365 as well . . . so it's not just AT&T.
Had the same issue. ATT thinks your server or computer or methods server is sending spam and it has been blacklisted. I was doing fine for a while then all of a sudden i was getting all sorts of error messages and then it just stopped.
The only way out of that is to call att and tell them of the issues. We pay ATT for our ...
Method support is enabled. The screen name is MethodSupport. It is associated with the email: bsc@methodintegration.com
There is no recommendation -- it says contact the Administrator -- I am the Administrator. I don't know where to start.
How much would you charge to do these customizations?
[quote user="Jeff Douglas"]My issues are recurring billing a new module we purchased call Method Scheduling & Invocing The major issue is that once a batch of reccurring invoices are entered I have to manually go through each item entered and email send the invoice. Is it possible to send all recurring invoices at one ...
I was able to duplicate this. Let me look into this further.
Can you enable MethodSupport and email me your account name and the screen name?
On the Edit Customer screen, click More actions... > Notes.