This issue has be resolved.
Chances are you would have had to remove that field from being used on all screens before you could delete the field on the table. At this point it becomes very difficult for us to assist over the forums because we're left guessing on our end. For this reason I would agree with'll get the best ...
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
QBO = QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Purchase Order
New - the screen has been updated with the CRM 2.0 style. Ohhh....ahhhh..... (QBD)
Improved - we’ve renamed the “Ship To” dropdown list at ...
Hi Navitha,
You can use the import / export tool to export the data out to something like an excel. It is not a true data archive b/c all it does is export. If you want to remove the data from Method you will have to manually remove/delete it or do this via actions. If you are thinking of removing the data, I would be very careful as some tables ...
Could you just use a GetSum action that gets the sum of the RecordIDs in the grid?
If the sum is greater than 0 there are records, otherwise there are no records.
I haven't tried it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.
Blake C
You might try using Retreive Value From Table (select RecordID as the field)
Use the same where clause as the grid filter and instead of retreiving first get the count of records.
If the count is equal to zero then there are no records.
Is there any way to archive the data?
Update: I got it working. It ain't pretty, though.
Adding to my description in my previous post...
After deleting the active record, I wound up basically reloading the page. This page is passed a custom filter for the grid on the left, so I had to grab a couple items from the screen BEFORE deleting the active record, setting these items as ...
From the table. I am guessing I need to call.
I have a transportation company, I was told that I would be able to use routing with google maps, I have the online quickbooks, with method, how do I install google maps?