This issue should now be resolved.
Matts suggestion is a good one, its actually better in a lot of cases because you only need to change actions in one location.
I will however put in a ticket to have this added to Method.
Budget / Contract - Create Invoice
Fixed - screen validation highlighted an issue with using an “End Loop Through Table” instead of “End Loop Through Grid”.
This issue should now be resolved.
Thanks for the feedback. I kind of thought about hacking some sort of element like a button to do exactly that....poor man's Method subroutine.
I'll give it a shot. Thx again
Blake I echo your frustrations that this is not available.
A work around that I found was to create a hidden button on the screen with the necessary actions. Then use the 'Call another action' action to call the button from the grid.
Hope that helps!
It seems neither the 'Actions After Edit' nor the 'Actions After Add' action steps can be copied or referenced from other actions in a grid.
I have identical logic for a grid in both the After Edit and After Add action sets. I need this same logic to be duplicated again (ugh) when a link on a grid row is clicked (the link deletes ...
I will look into this a bit further and get back to you.
Heh. Just noticed I can enter a specific order number (it's editable once clicking on it) for an action in the designer, rather than using the tiny Move Up/Down arrow buttons.
It's not obvious those fields are editable (using Chrome).
Just thought I would share this with anyone that might have missed this (like me).
Hi Everyone,
have an issue on a couple of inventory items. The quantity on hand is showing a different amount than the quantity on hand in the Inventory Control Monitor.
Can someone tell me why this is?