I have lawn mowing clients that call me when to mow the lawn. When the work order is created i enter a charge and then i put that work order in the waiting list till they call again. When they call again i open up that work order...insert a new charge. At the end of the month i close that work order, it prints out that invoice based ...
I have never seen anything or been though anything what you have proposed today. I do know if i send a proposal to a new customer...and i dont hear back from them, then i call or visit them. When a future customer is thinking about your price its the human touch that could make the whole sale. I have clients ...
Fields in the email subject now merge as well.
I just tested this and was unable to duplicate it. Does the balance show up incorrectly in both QB and QBO? Can you enable MethodSupport and email me your account name and I will take a look.
One idea might be to use the Method Scheduing & Invoiving app. You can create Work Orders and then Invoice them at the end of a period.
To get a better idea of the cost of this we would need to do some scoping, which is basically a paid session where we would spend 30 minutes to an hour discussing the details of this and hammering out the specific details of this. If i was to put a figure on this with the current amount of detail provided I would say about 4 hours ...
The report designer is the same for Method for QBO and Method for QBD. You can download it by clicking Customize Templates from the Scheduling and Invoicing Dashboard.
To update this forum post:
This issue was addressed through consulting time.
Thanks for the info. A ticket has been created for this I will update this forum post once it is resolved.