Well, maybe not such an easy fix. With the fixed End Grid Loop now I am getting an error on the Start Grid Loop statement with the message "There has been an error during the action process". It gives the action sequence number of the Start Grid Loop statement.
I found the same End Loop error, the Method logic had End Table Loop, where the action End Grid Loop should be. Easy fix, but a bit ironic that I need to fix the default screen code provided by Method and now broken by new validation by Method, a validation not necessary since the old script interpreter ended the loop correctly regardless of ...
I have just experienced the same problem, a bit abruptly I might add since we are trying to invoice and ship castings.
I do not think this logic sequence is failing due to any customization, but rather from the initial loop logic from the default Sales Order to Invoice loop from the Method default screens. Possibly this default screen was ...
Thanks for letting us know.
Method now detects potential issues in action sets that may have been created, all in the name of speed!
If this is still happening on the December version can you forward me one of the failure emails you are getting?
I'm glad you noticed. As of yesterday afternoon the updated version of Method went live.
On carefully going through the actions in the Next button click in SalesOrder_CreateInvoice Screen, i found that the loop started through the Sales Order Line Grid but ended it as Table instead of Grid. So just replace " End Loop through Table" with "End Loop through Grid" at action sequence ...
While creating invoice from sales order it shows the following error message in SalesOrder_CreateInvoice screen..
Expecting 'End Loop Through Grid'.
Action order: 16
Oh-oh. Your actions didn’t pass Method’s latest and greatest logic validation. If this screen worked earlier and ...
I got this error message when i created invoices. In the invoice screen in field services, customized screen, i got this message
Oh-oh. The Refresh Grid Action did not have a grid selected. If this screen worked earlier and has now stopped working, we recommend your administrator adjusts the actions to resolve this issue. In ...
Everything is working if I am using the November version. I take it you are doing a upgrade to the system so I will hold off on doing any emails intell 12-09
John M