It could be that you do not have your Activity Status Type setup correctly for your Activity Statuses.
To change this go to the New Activity Screen and click ... next to the Activity Status drop down. In the window that pops up make sure you set the correct Activity Status Types for each Activity Status. The last activity field is ...
I was able to duplicate this. I will create a ticket for this and update this post once the issue is resolved or when i have addtional information.
This is John M. Sometimes I will help out with quesiton on here. I dont work for method. Go to this blog and it will help you download it and it will teach you about reports as well,
John M
Is there a way to make method display ALL customers both inactive and active at the same time?
so i noticed under leads, and customers even, the last activity field is not displaying correctly. So in leads, i pulled up a lead i had an email activity with on december 1st but on the dashboard "leads and contacts" list area under last or next activity it is both black but if you open her up as a lead then click the activity tab ...
HI Michael,
My client is new to Method. They cannot find the report designer or the SalesDashboard. I was unsuccessful as well. Please advise.
The bar graph you see on the home dashboard is set to show a maximum of 8 users, you can changes this by using Method Report Designer, making a copy of SalesDashboard_OppByUser and editing the chart using the wizard change the Option under Series > Top N Options to be disabled.
In my method account nothing appears to happen before 1950. When I set a date before 1950 Method replaces the "19" with "20".
I am trying to create my home dashboard to show Pipeline information for ALL of my users on a single admin screen. Any clues?
Thanks Michael. That did the trick!