Oh, look at this little gem I just found in a different post:
Yes, it is possible for you to see which table a screen is based off of. All you need to do is to go to Customize > Screen, select edit for the screen in question then right click in the design area of the screen. A little box will appear and you'll have the option to ...
Is there a problem with setting up for multi-columns on grid dropdown field? I can't seem to add the second column. Its telling me I need to choose a value for the 1st column but I only have blank or "via" options for the first column?
The best way I know of is to drag a grid object onto the screen and open it for edit. The grid's default table is the table that screen is based on.
How do I know what the main table for a screen is (other than if I happen to recognized the fields from the field list)?
Hi - posting this on behalf of a client :)
"a new version of QB 2012 is being introduced in the UK - will Method be compatible?"
I don't see any reports anywere... am I missing something or what? I want to print out a list of paid invoices for a given period grouped by the 'assigned to' column... There has got to be something like that. It's a pretty basic need.
For more detailed instructions I would recommend going with paid consulting time as this would go beyond the scope of the details normally provided on the forums.
The timer object does not work on Mobile screens, if you want to manually enter time just make the Duration field visble on the screen. You can enter time in minutes in that field.
The changes you make to screens save as you make them, there is no way to undo or not save changes you make to a screen. A good pratice is to make multiple iterations of the screen as need.
Currently it is not possible to hide the seconds on the Timer object used in Method screens..