Thanks, I think I have it all working
Also my employer is requesting a time frame on a solution for the report filters and when it will be working.
Hi Dave-
If the Method Sync engine is running on the computer that is designated the main syncing computer, when any change is made in Method it will get pushed automatically to QB and vice versa (To have changes come over automatically from QB to Method you will need to make sure that you install the Method sync engine on all computers with ...
Does Method sync in real time, or is it periodic sync? For example I have my Method sync option set to every 20 minutes. Other than manually running the sync, does Method and QB on my PC sync automatically only once every 20 minutes?
I've noticed some transactions sync right away even ...
I was asked to repost the following emails for possible solutions in the forum:
To: Wayne Barbaza
Subject: Disabling Portal
Hi Wayne
Is there a way to completely disable the customer portal so
that nobody from outside our office can log in to their account for any ...
This may work since you made a copy of the Orginal File to use as the dummy but there may potentially be some issue or conflicts.
If you want to try this I would suggest making a copy of your current live QB file before syncing it with you Method account just in case.
The alternative and recommended method is to start a new Method account ...
We used a copy of our QB live data file as our 'dummy' database when I started customizing Method for our use.
We are intending to just replace this dummy file with the live data when customization and testing is completed.
We're assuming the sync engine will update changes made between the creation of the dummy file and the current ...
For testing purposes create a new page with just the web form and try it again, does it give you the same results?
Are you making any changes at all to the code we provide you?
I walked through the Advanced set up today, generated the code, and pushed to my test website
Upon pressing submit, there is a postback, but I do not get directed to my success page, and really nothing else happens (no emails to 'customer' or 'myself', and there is nothing ...
Are you using a standard Method screen or a customized Method screen? If you are using a customized screen does the same thing happen on the orginal screen?
If its happening on a the standard screen email me your account name and enable MethodSupport (Customize > Users) and i will login and take a look.
Method has a reminder feature built in that will send a reminder 15 minutes before an activity(Call) is due it doesn't automatically send them an email when a call is created, though you could through customization have Method send an email to their phone anytime a new Call is created.
Are they logging into the mobile website when ...