[quote user="Method_Michael"]Matt's suggestion should work, another option could be to move the word document contents into our report designer and use that.[/quote] Now I have a real bonehead question - accessing my Report Designer.
I got all excited about using it to generate letters from existing templates, then I was ...
[quote user="Method_Michael"]Matt's suggestion should work, another option could be to move the word document contents into our report designer and use that.[/quote] Thank's Michael. I'll look at the report designer.
With Matt's suggestion, I was starting to wonder if Rube Goldberg was on your design ...
I think i found the issue, we had this screen customized and there was no default Sales Tax item setup so there are alot of invoices that do not have a sales tax item selected.
I am working on a button to assign the sales tax item to all the invoices without one.
Thanks for your reply
Is there a Tax Item set for this invoice? If you are looking at this invoice on the Standard Invoice screen, what do you have listed under the Tax Item drop down? If its blank try selecting something.
I'm getting an error when we try to sync method to QuickBooks. It appears that there is a problem with the sales tax on invoices but we don't see anything wrong with the invoices in QuickBooks. Here is the text from the error, any ideas?
QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accInvoice record. The
error ...
The Add to dictionary is currently disabled on purpose and currently we don't plan on enabling it reason being way may change our text editor all together, this is an issue that will be revisited.
Matt's suggestion should work, another option could be to move the word document contents into our report designer and use that.
One option is to create a grid with the fields you want to use and then export the grid to excel. That should allow you to mail erge in Word. It also gives you the ability to filter the grid to only have the desired customers.
Is there a way to generate a Microsoft Word document using Customer fields from Method?
I need to generate printed letters with our logo, etc. for certain customers using templates I created long ago in Word.
You can't copy just the actions of a button from one account to another you would have to copy the screen.
There is a way to email yourself a printable summary of the screen, which is useful in many cases. When editing a screen right click in the designer area and select Show Summary.