[quote user="Method_Michael"]In that same screen where it lists the tab link, in the Open Screen drop down select CRM_ EditCustomer and for the tab link name enter Edit Customer and click Add Tab Link once it is added uncheck Show. Test the Go To and let me know if it works now.[/quote]
Saved my butt also. I experienced ...
You will need to group the items to get a summary. If you don't want to print out each individual item and just the summary don't put the fields in the detail section just put it in the group footer.
QuickBooks has to be up and running for Method to properly sync with it. You don't have to have Method installed on the file server, just install it on the a work station and make the work station the main syncing computer.
In reports i am trying to summarize the same items. Do i need to group this?
Thanks, John M
My client has a two user QB license installed on two workstations as well as the server. In order for the Method Sync engine to work, QB has to be logged in on the server, thus using one of the licenses. Should the Method Engine be installed on the workstation instead? Do you have any other suggestions to keep Method from ...
Hi Fred-
Take a look at our webinars found HERE. They go over customization in Method as well as general use of the CRM.
[quote user="Method_Michael"]After adding the new fields to the Table you will now need to add the new fields to your screens. You will have to make a copy of your customer screen and drag the newly created fields onto it.[/quote]
That's new territory for this newbie. I'll give it a try.
Are there any ...
After adding the new fields to the Table you will now need to add the new fields to your screens. You will have to make a copy of your customer screen and drag the newly created fields onto it.
This is my first day using Method online.
I need to add fields in the customer screen so I can import data from my old CRM via a CSV file.
I went to "Customize" and added my new fields.
When I went to my Customer screen (clicked on Customers tab & selected customer) - my new fields are no where to be ...
Hi Shawn,
If I understand correctly, you created tab-links and modified the roles that can access them. The part that confuses me is when you mention the portal. Are the vendors logging in as Method Users (licensed user) or are they logging in as a portal users (non-licensed visitors)?
Method users are assigned to roles, in other words, the ...