If I copy the Method "Customers" Screen so I can add some additional info or include some additional tables/fields and I use the button "Replace links to an existing screen", will this eliminate my ability to use the original Method screen, or can I still use the original screen as well as the new one and have the data ...
This conflict message comes straight from QuickBooks and it is not
something Method can control, it's basically telling you that the change you
want to make can't be done because QuickBooks is still using the record. Method
tries to push the change but if QuickBooks has the record locked then Method
can't apply the ...
If you click Un-Delete for that conflict does it go away and allow the modification or does that conflict return?
I'm not exactly sure what you mean when you refer to the screen getting locked up. Can you post a screenshot or email me a screenshot of this?
In regards to creating Opportunites/Leads/Customers have you taken a look at our webinars found HERE
No- an invoice today, and one created a couple weeks ago (our transaction history goes back to beginning of '11).
Changes are being made in Method, and the conflict reads:
QuickBooks returned an error when adding/modifying a accInvoice record.
The error was: There was an error adding, modifying or deleting
21ECA-1312839866 because it ...
Realativley new to the program but here it is- Oppourutnity screen gets locked open on the customer screen until I reboot.
Logged in and went to create a new lead master entity then went to create job locations for the lead as he had 4 different locations. When I realized his primary info would not automatically pull I ...
What's the date on that invoice? Does it maybe fall outside of the transaction history you set in Method? (QuickBooks > Synchronize).
When you are making changes to these invoices are you making the changes in QB or Method? What conflicts are the invoices generating?
I have invoices that synced, generated an invoice #, and then we make a change to the invoice and there's conflict (and the invoice number goes away). We've made changes to invoices for months without any problems. There's also an invoice that's in our QB that doesn't appear in Method at all. It was created in ...
Did you have the sync engine running at the time of doing this? If not this could be the cause of the this.