Ok Paul, apparently the issue was hard carriage returns in my SQL. I had used CASE WHEN THEN ELSE statements and wrote them in a text editor. Of Course it's easier to see when you indent, newline, etc. But when you copy them into the SQL Override, works fine in the portal, but not so much on the "inside". ...
Yes, the web service call can handle it. You just need to follow the same format as the XML.
Hi Navitha,
I have moved your post to our General Q & A forum since I don't think your question is specific to the Method Professional Services App.
Now, to answer your question, I did some simple testing and everything seems to work on my end.
QuickBooks only tests:
Entered a bill in QB
Paid the bill in QB
Verified that it was ...
Same grid......but different data being returned, since the portals have an extra filter applied by default. Different data, a whole new way to break SQL!! You could have mathmatic overflows for example.
I will play around with it today, but I would think that if that were the case it wouldn't show up in the portal either since they are both looking at the same grid.
If there is an issue with the SQL Statements then it would cause the grid to not show up. For testing purposes try the screen without the SQL and see if you get the same results.
Yep, grid itself doesn't show up.
As far as filters on Step 3 of 9 in the Grid Wizard:
Field:Vendor = [vendorname] (actual Type In the vendors name); and then some OpportunityStage filters. All roles can view. Nothing in the Advanced Screen settings. The only thing I can think of is that a few of the grid fields (Advanced ...
In purchase orders screen we placed on button called Generate Bill to create bill for that particular PO. There we write a logic to go to the screen called PurchaseOrder_OpenPOs.
Once we click on Generate Bill in PO, it will opens the PurchaseOrder_OpenPO's screen. There it displays all the PO's of that particular vendor. Once we ...
Do you mean the grid itself doesn't show or there is no data in the grid? It could be the filters you are applying to the grid. What filters do you currently have set?
I need some clarification regarding Bill and Bill Payment in methods.
We have added one more line item to an existed Bill, which has already been paid through Bill Payment.
My problem is the bill which has been updated by new line item is not shown in the Bill Payment to pay. Is there any way to pay for the newly added line items in Bill ...