Can the ocurrence due date be change to show, "Tues-Apr-16-2013" intead of "Apr-16-2013-02:14pm
Is it possible to have the crm and field services all in one screen?
We only have one user right now, and I think that will be a lot easier if I dont have to switch between the two of them.
If I change the label in the fields, will that affect any of the actions?
For example if the employee/vendor1 is change to foreman, and the employee/vendor2 is change to employee2.
Because I know that in the enter time screen there actions to autofill those fileds, I think.
I think that best for me will be to filter the grid with the work orders I want, select the ones I want to change and have a botton in the update selected work orders.
Will this work?
And can you guide me with the actions needed?
Would it be possible to assign the sort order to the customer's name instead of the work order?
That way every work order for that customer will have the same sort order
Why is that when I enter a payment the only account that I can choose from the dropdown menu is recivables, can I make all the bank accounts appear?
like checking, petty cash, undeposited funds, ect?
That is what i did , and is not working for me.
Let's say I have a series with 20 ocurrences and the sort order is 1, and I want to change it to 2, I click on edit series, go to additional settings, change to 2, save and close, and I go to the work order list and refresh, but nothing changes.
Yes the team leader has to show up as an employee also.
Can I make the team leader name something like crew 01?, so the way when I create the work order, I will be able to assign it to the crew directly.
Can you give me a sample of how do you guys use the route list field?
We assign our jobs to crews, for example crew01 does the mowing and crew02 does the fertilizer. And we assign our clients to Zones depending where they reside.
How can the route list help me?