Is it still happening on your account?
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for reporting the issue. I have tested it on my account and it is giving the same error. I have created a ticket for the same, and will let you know once the issue is resolved.
Hello Mahlon,
Here's my answer. The icon with green tick means that the post is answered, this icon generally appears when the person who is replying to the post mark it as answer. So when someone reply to any post on the forums and they think it is the final solution to a problem and no futher actions required they can mark ...
Hello Meghan,
Here's is my answer. When a person fills out a webform, it is directly entered into Method. Your potential customers will fill out the webform on your website and it will automatically insert them into Method CRM as lead, creat a opportunity and follo-up-reminder. You can also visit our helpcenter for article on Webform.
For ...
Hello, pookiefeb,
There is no default way in method to block off certain dates for holidays. With that being said, Please see this forum post which explains how you can achieve this through customization.
Hope this helps!
Hello rds,
Here's is my answer. Yes it is possible to achieve this in Method but it will require heavy customization. If you require any assistance, you can use our Professional services option or you can take help of Method Partners. If you like to do customization on your own, we have great video tutorials, webinars and helpcenter ...
Hello Marcello11756,
Here's my answer. Yes it is possible to edit only one column in a grid, but in order to achieve this, you have to make other columns Read only. On screen designer, click on edit grid and go to step 2 of 9: Grid Columns. On each column, click on Advanced and select Make Read Only option(except the column you want to ...
Hello Mahlon,
Thanks for reporting the issue. It seems like, it is also calculating the second field while calculating the difference. It should be ignoring the seconds in calculation. I will create a ticket for this. But I have a work around for this, you can use Math Function action for rounding the value before displaying it on the ...
Hello Mahlon,
Currently this feature is not avavilable in Method New. You can not change the width of the checkbox column, but I will pass this feedback to the development team for future development.