What screen is this happening on? If its a customized screen on the non-customized version of the screen does the same thing happen?
I added the BuildAssemblyLineItem as an attached grid to the screen and after saving my Build Assembly and reselecting the Assembly it populates the grid. One thing that I would would suggest is changing the Save All Sections to a Save Section and save the Add/Edit Build Assembly section in the Save button as well as add a refresh ...
Ok, I have done that and also needed to add Billing State. So now I get a message the the phone is required, yet in the CC processing action, there is no call for the Phone number.
If you upload the image into a File Attachment field in the table it will show up in the grid as an image(Or PDF/Word/Excel icon). Take a look at the Documents section when editing an Opportunity. I tested putting HTML image tags into the grid to show an external image but currently its not supported but I can create a suggestion ticket ...
Hi John-
I was able to duplicate this issue and created a ticket for it. I will update this post once it is resolved, or if I have any updated info.
I think I know what is happening here, when you add a line item in the sales order, Method is using the Tax Code for the Item and not the tax code for the customer. In QuickBooks when you select an item it uses the Tax Code of the Customer and prompts you about changing it to the tax code of the item instead.
I will look into this ...
Hi Emily-
In the Credit Card Processing action it lets you set a City for the customer, you would have to customize the screen and add a city field and update the action to make use of that field.
Those error messages come straight from the credit card processor method just returns it.
If a field is set to read only, is it possible to have a field render as HTML? This would allow a field that uses the HTML editor for input to render a pretty picture in read only mode instead of the plain text including the HTML tags. A good example of this is the related activity comment on the CRM_NewActivity Screen. If ...
Nice. So I confirmed that they don't exist in Method. However, when I try to save them, it still says they already exist. Again though, they're not in QB either. ??
When I click on the "Search" button, the contents never fully load and it won't let me filter. It just looks like it's constantly trying to load the data, but never finishes.