I am using the default screen that came with the Warehouse module and the Assembly Build screen allows entry of the main line, but no line items/members. I made a copy of the screen afterwards and customized it by adding the Line grid as it relates to the active record and after building an assembly, it doesn't populate any of the ...
Please let me know if images can appear in grids. I'm trying to build a product catalog, but my references to product thumnails do not load. It would also be great for the document library if image tags for uploaded documents like: pdfs, doc, xls could appear in the grids.
We usually get an order from a salesman, then split up work orders based on the type of work...I think I'm gonna customize our Sales Order actually, and add checkboxes at the line item level to create work orders. Don't know if it's gonna work, but I'll try it.
Chrome or firefox> Mobile log in> new estimate> new items> deleting a item. For some odd reason i cant delete items in the mobile app using anyof the above browsers. Now i am using a laptop on this. Going to get a Droid today and just wanted to see how the mobile app was working.
Thanks! John M
Im with you on this one. When I need to use projects, creating a work order for the project would be great. I think your running into the same thing?
Hi there,
Thank you for the post. We are already aware of this issue and are currently looking into it. In the meantime, you can reorder the action list by adjusting the action #. We’ll keep you posted.
We have assigned customer a tax code that is non-taxable, but when we go to create a sales order for those customers, Method is still charging them tax.
Hmmmm. I can't say that I remember specifically editing these Invoices in QBO. I know I did edit them in Method when I added a custom field to track WorkorderNumber and also "untaxed" all the line items due to that other issue. But, I did that to all 6 invoices that I posted payments for on Saturday and all but 2 ...
I made an Invoice and tried to apply a payment to an Invoice and it also came back with the same error. Please help, we are hoping to go live with payment processing today.
Michael -
I took it out of test mode today and I keep getting the error "THE PAYMENT DID NOT PROCESS
ERROR Reason for error:Bill To City is required. Description of Error:" In the Receive Payment screen I can't specify the city, state or zip, only address line and zip code. I have removed the requirement to authorize the ...