Hi Jorge,
Just to confirm have you updated to the New CRM and are you using customized screens or orginal screens?
We had been using Method around 2 years, until now our sales staff share oportunities between themselves, I mean sales-user1 can see/modify records from sales-user2. Right now due to a strategic changes in sales process we want to protect oportunities for each salesman, each one will be able to see/modify their own oportunities records. And we ...
We are in the process of getting the fix out as soon as it is you will be the first to know. I will update this post and email you.
Obviously, the sooner this can be resolved the better as our reps cannot enter orders!
I was able to duplicate this issue and have created a ticket for it. I will update you once there is more information or a resolution.
When we go to create a sales order and enter items to the sales order, there are no product codes showing up in the dropdown list and instead we see the word "true". There also is no "select" link and only the word "true" shows up on the sales order instead of the product code.
Thank you Michael. i will recreate the grid and ask if I have any questions!
We won't be making this change to the standard search screens at this point but you can customize the screen and enable the Filter Header on the grid.
Worked like a charm, thank you!
This post HERE should help you out.