We have been using your system with quickbooks online and
noticed a problem with the data matching up. For instance we show invoice #
31469 in Method but then when we go to Quickbooks this invoice number isn’t
I checked the sync problem list and there is nothing there
about this invoice.
Can you investigate this ...
Thanks for the response Michael!
I see how that would work if I want to make a second button that exactly copies the action set of the first button. But what if I want to copy the action list over in such a way that I can then modify that list? When I call an action set, I am not able to edit the actions within the action set ...
Hi Smohyee,
You will see that the buttons in the sections use the Call Another
Actions set action, which calls the action set from another button, so if you
customize the Save button in Section 1 and in Section 2 have a Save button that
you want to do the exact same thing in the Section 2 Save button use the Call
Another Action Set action ...
The following indicates which accounting application(s) the release note(s) apply to.
QBD = QuickBooks Desktop
QBO = QuickBooks Online
Leads and Contacts List
Fix - small issue with displaying Rep / Type / Title for null values. (QBD)
Fix - small issue with displaying Assigned / Type / Title for null values. ...
The more I stare at the screen, the more I think I answered my own question: thats the button list that shows when the screen appears as a popup. Kinda obvious, I guess
Here's a better question, then: Say I customize my footer buttons to do all sorts of special stuff. I want my popup buttons to be identical to my footer buttons without ...
Hi all,
Just started on my new Method account, and I've searched through the forums and the object list about pop-up buttons to no avail, so here I am!
Most of the screens that I can edit have two sections of buttons listed at the bottom of the screen: Pop-up buttons and Footer buttons. For the most part, the actual buttons in these two ...
You could create a new field to keep track of this or if you are doing an calculations on Man Hours you can put a check in there to only use 'Service' type job items
The line of code I gave you has to be all on the same line and not on 2 seperate lines. If you are still having issues, I would suggest looking at some of the field on the Estimate templates(They have a simlair setup) or booking some consulting time.
I am getting an error message. Here is what I entered:
Private Sub OnBeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)
End Sub
I am getting the following error ...
Take note of the actual names of the labels you are using to
display the fields you want to use in your calculation. (Click on the labels
and in the property grid look for (name).)
Create a new label and in the property grid go to Scripts > Before
Print and click ... , this will being up a windows where you can
enter ...