I'm trying to load pictures on to screens without having them saved on the method servers. I thought there was a way to just use a link to my photos (on my computer) and have them load when the screen opens, but can't seem to find that.
I've tried using the "load web page" action with the url from a separate field, and ...
Oh my hell. I'm so sorry, I think I'm blind! Thanks...
Hi there, if you are using Method Field Services this is actually pretty easy and a standard feature.
Go to Field Service Center>>>Estimate
Create a new estimate or select an existing one.
Then click the button link that says ‘Create / Go To Work Order'
Then watch what happens!
And how do I customize the screen for receiving a payment from the work order?
Is there a way to turn an estimate in to a work order? I see where to create a sales order but that isn't what I want. Thanks.
Thank you very much. I will give that a try.
It looks like I am able to duplicate this. I will create a ticket for our dev team.
You could also look at options to filter grids based on certain criteria using the transaction date of the invoice. In other words, hide Invoices you don’t want to see so they can never be selected. Just my two cents.
I found the magic box named "auto grow" which resizes the boxes so the text is readable. To tell you the truth, both the Customer list and the advanced search boxes have been nearly illegible due to being squished. I found this box by accident while editing the Grid Wizard (I was in the wrong grid wizard). As you can see, the check box ...