In 2010, I had a custom screen built out that exports our customer data. One
of the fields is ‘YTD Sales’ that has the following SQL override code to pull
each customer’s YTD sales:
Cast(ROUND(Sum(Amount),2) as decimal(9,2))
FROM viewaccInvoice WHERE
viewaccInvoice.Customer = viewaccEntity.FullName AND ...
Hi James,
This option applies to Rich Text fields and is not avalible for labels.
Hi Deb,
I am going to suggest watching the Method Webinars to learn more about customizing Method and then reverse engeinnering the actions on the screen and maybe adding it to the Enter Time button. You also have the option of having us do it for you through paid consulting.
Deb - use the "Work Orders" tab link - what you are describing already exists. And make sure you log in using the *mobile* log in, not the non-mobile login.
or for short forum:
I have the field set up properly and I can enter formatted lines. Great!
When I go to the Report Designer I do not have HTML as an option under Data Bindings.
Just for kicks and giggles, I put this web address into my iphone to see what it looks like. I don't see anywhere how you enter employees time for a specific job. Is there? I want to use this to replace the current paperwork that the crews use while out in the field and input everything directly into Method instead while on ...
Hi Michael
How do I customize the screen to have it copy the time to QTY?
Hi James,
Put the Table.FieldName in [ ].
For example:
Hi [SalesOrder.BillAddressAddr1],
your current address is [SalesOrder.BillAddressAddr2]
You can use either a label or a rich text field but a rich text field is probably the better option.
Is it possible to pull fielded data from a table and drop it into a paragraph in the Report Builder?
This Order is executed pursuant to the Master Service Agreement by and between ACCOUNTNAME and Our Company dated MASTERSERVICESAGREEMENTDATE ("the Agreement"). The terms and provisions of the Agreement are ...
Hi Deb
Using a screen that is optimized for a mobile device, an iPad works quite well. However, I haven't tested many other tablet devices.