The following updates are now live for users of Method.
Update Image Placeholders (PL-6882)
Purchase Transaction Apps (Apps will be available week of Sept 5th) (PL-7067)
Updated font colours to be darker (PL-6809)
Removed Dashboard header from Dashboard. (PL-6789)
Subscription buttons showing up for non-billing ...
I am a new user to Method and am absolutely amazed that we are unable to edit a line item from the main Estaimate or Invoice screen without having to go into each line item.
Is there a firm date as to when this functionality will be added?
Thank you!
I am a new user to Method working with a consultant to customize our workflow etc. It appears as though there is no easy / time effective way to simply Drag and Drop lines to reorder them when working in an Estimate or Invoice. It is currently set up so that we have to go into each individual item to assign a line order # ...
Hi Audisho,
I'm still getting duplicates and have gone over the code. Am I able to PM or email you my code to see if you can pick out a problem?
Thank you.
I recently made a new report in Report Designer which is simply a pivot grid report, nothing else. In preview and HTML mode, it looks fine, as I want it to.
My issue is, I have a button on one of our screens to generate this report. No matter what I do (ie, no filters, quadruple-check everything), I am constantly getting this ...
Hi GroGreen,
I checked our logs and found that you seem to be encountering a large number of the following error.
Save Warning: The Customer/Employee/Vendor/OtherName could not be sent to QuickBooks. This Name is already in use. Please edit the Name so that it is unique and save again.
It could be that your code is ...
Use case: Activity Types by Month
Try creating a chart on activities where Series = Activity and Secondary Column = DueDateStart and try to group by month, year, etc
I am also getting a duplicate opportunity when entering. Any ideas?
Is it possible to hide to the related info the at top of the Edit Screens. For example, on edit Contact screen, you see the related info for Activities, Estimates, Invoices, Opportunities and the abilitiy to add new ones. Is it possible to hide this? I know before this was unavailable, however, has that changed now?
See below: ...
We need an AND operator in Advanced Search on grid. This is useful for filtering to transactions between a date range.