In that same screen where it lists the tab link, in the Open Screen drop down select CRM_ EditCustomer and for the tab link name enter Edit Customer and click Add Tab Link once it is added uncheck Show. Test the Go To and let me know if it works now.
I couldn't find "edit customer"
If you go to Customize > Tabs and click Edit tab links for the Customers tab, do you see Edit Customer as one of the tab link names? If so what is listed under Opens Screen?
Hi JamesQ,
Also just to confirm have you upgraded to the New CRM? If not you may not see the option for contacts in Cases, Activities or Opportunities.
Hi Marti,
In order to make it easier to debug the problem, can you please send me a private message with contents of the file called MethodSynchronizationSettings.xml. This file should be located at following location: C:\Users\<YourWindowsUserName>\AppData\Roaming\Method\.
Also, can you tell me if earlier versions of Outlook Plug-In were ...
Hi JamesQ,
An account in Salesforce is the equivalent to a customer in
Method. Each customer in Method can have multiple contacts. When creating a transaction
in Method (Invoice, Sales Order Estimate) you would create it for the customer,
just like you do in QuickBooks. When creating an activity, case or opportunity
you create it for a ...
I copied the "CRM_EditCustomer" and deleted the copy. Then I copied
again. Now the "go to" button on customer page is not working. It
doesn't link to the "editcustomer" page. Here is the error message:
Could not run the 'Go To Tab Link' command, as there was a
problem locating the Tab Link ...
Not to stay stuck in Salesforce world, but can anyone shed light on how to handle Accounts and Contacts in MethodCRM? I am accustomed to creating a Contact as a child of an Account. An arrangement which seems intuitive to me. In thatway of thinking, the Customer is the Account, or the organization.
In Method ...
When adding a new appointment to Method from Outlook, I get the following error message:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1253"?>
<MethodAPI response = "Failure.The SQL returned the following error: Invalid column name OutlookSyncId".
Invalid column name OutlookSyncId".
Invalid column name ...
That did it! I did not notice that the fields were in the same cell!