Use case: Activity Types by Month
Try creating a chart on activities where Series = Activity and Secondary Column = DueDateStart and try to group by month, year, etc
I am also getting a duplicate opportunity when entering. Any ideas?
Is it possible to hide to the related info the at top of the Edit Screens. For example, on edit Contact screen, you see the related info for Activities, Estimates, Invoices, Opportunities and the abilitiy to add new ones. Is it possible to hide this? I know before this was unavailable, however, has that changed now?
See below: ...
We need an AND operator in Advanced Search on grid. This is useful for filtering to transactions between a date range.
How and when does Method calculate the item quantity fields (QuantityOnHand, QuantityOnOrder, QuantityOnSalesOrder). I know the numbers are affected by invoices and purchases orders. But what about the txn date. Does that affect the quantities, or are the numbers updated right when you create an invoice or purchase order?
Hi There Mahlon,
Not sure If I was just misunderstanding the Dialog here - But after going back and testing myself, It looks like we've already added the 'Compare As' For DateTime fields on Chart objects.
That being said - I think your initial question was more along the lines of "How do I display DateTime as JUST ...
Hi GroGreen,
Your workflow is correct. One thing to keep in mind is that your opportunity will be linked to the contact that is created automatically when you create a new customer. Using the same name that you used for creating the customer should still allow you to create and link the opportunity to the correct contact.
If you're unable to ...
Any idea when this can be added?
We've created a form on Joomla that creates a Customer, then creates an Opportunity for that Customer.
We are able to create the Customer successfully, however the Opportunity is not showing up. We are trying to use the Name field to link the two.
Are we doing the Opportunity the wrong way? If so, what would be the best way to link a ...
Hey Tate,
Glad you asked!
The Method:New action Editor was definitely designed with the User Experience in mind - It has both a Drag and Drop interface, and the ability to 'Insert in Place'. We are also actively making improvments to the Action Editor based on Feedback from Users.
Side Note for Classic - Did ...