Michael...answering your other questions:
The criteria for automatically creating orders would be based on a date. Usually it's 60 days out that an Order is created and comes in house. That way we make sure we have the inventory (if it's an order containing products for delivery) or can see it sitting in a particular box in the office ...
Thanks Mark...
I've been approaching this from a DIY standpoint. When you say 'some of this functionality' can you elaborate a bit (not looking for all the details here, of course) on the solutions you provided?
Thanks Michael...
I had not looked at Field Services yet...I'm reading about it now. It seems like the method of working in Field Services might work for how we currently operation.
Right now, salesmen write up actual carbon copy orders about 60 days out from delivery based on the afore mentioned 'programs' they set up for each ...
Hi Blake
We have done a couple of projects that have some of this functionality. Are you looking for a solution provider to help or is the a DIY project?
Hi jhcarboni,
Do you mind if I login and take a look? Can you enable MethodSupport(Customize > Users) and email me your account name?
QB requires a value in that field and by leaving it blank it
assigns it a value. In QuickBooks (At least in my case) if I add an item to a
bill it defaults Billable to checked. You could customize the screen and have
it that as soon as you select an Item to fill in Billable?
As NotBillable.
HasBeenBilled ...
When you refer to orders are you talking about work orders? Based on what criteria do you want these work order created? Specific intervals? Have you taken a look at Method Field Services?
You can try an SQL Override. Something along the lines of:
CASE WHEN [ImportSKU]=' ' Or [ImportSKU] IS NULL THEN 'Subtotal' ELSE [ ImportSku] END
**Note the above code may not won't but its would be the format used, fields names are in [ ], regualr text is in ' '
This may work in your ...
You could create another table that has the SalesRep intial and the extra details and use actions to pull that information as needed.
When we enter line items on a bill, we typically assign the costs to a customer/job but rarely do we mark them as "billable" since the costs are part of our contracted price. We would leave that field blank instead of choosing bilable, has been billed or not billable. By leaving it blank we assume as in QB's that it ...